About Me
Life's good, married to the lovely Gwen for over forty-five years, three bright, noisy children, even noisier grandchildren and a Rottweiler called Mavis. Apart from a whistleblowing incident at work, that got me on to the front page of a national newspaper, I have had a dullish working life as a mechanical engineer.
Someone said that Engineering was a vocation for those that found Accountancy too exciting! But now I write and I'm neurotically obsessed about my craft. I'm fascinated by the politics of relationships, anything from the dynamics of children running wild in the playground, to the more deceitful aspects of adult liaisons. Mostly writing edgy mystery, psychological dramas, The Drowning Pool is a novel that doesnt need to murder characters to generate tension. Its a modern love story that explores the more perfidious aspects of adult behaviour. Its dark, sexy, tragic and suspenseful, perfect reading for night owls.
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